Our new website has now been live for over a week – how time flies by! 

We are really pleased with how the implementation has gone.  Thank you so much for using the website to enrol on our courses – it has made a tremendous difference to the workload on the office.  It would be a waste of our money, and more importantly time, if our new systems did not delivery the efficiency savings that we so desperately need to protect the Settlement for the future. 

Thank you also for the feedback we have had, which has been very useful. We know that there have been a few teething issues for you – and us – as we all get used to a new way of doing things.  Most we have managed to resolve quickly.  Some of you will have communicated with Stephen and Marian, two of the Settlement’s trustees, who have borne the brunt of delivering our new systems and providing the hands-on support since we went live.  We have been lucky in finding two excellent companies who support our new database and website, but without Stephen and Marian’s hard work we would not have achieved what we have to date. 

Work on the website will continue over the summer break when the Settlement is closed – and when the refurbishment of Kincaid Hall will also be carried out.

One of our main objectives is to improve the website’s search functionality.  Some of the improvements we want to make will hopefully be relatively easy to implement, but others may take longer or not be possible, at least for the time being.  We will also look at adding some guidance to using the website, for example how to avoid inputting your details more than once in a form. 

Over the next few months we will also be reviewing our internal procedures.  It is inevitable that some things that we do now will change but our objective is to have much greater streamlined, and robust, administrative systems.  This will then give our staff more time to focus on improving and developing what the Settlement offers.   

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