
Letchworth Educational Settlement

Letchworth Educational Settlement has been providing classes for adults for over 100 years, and is a unique and independent centre of learning and creativity.

Art Watercolour


We offer courses in arts and crafts, languages and humanities.

Weaving Loom


We run a range of workshops on a variety of subjects. Each of our workshops is a one-off session run by one of our expert tutors.

Games Afoot Curtain Settlement Players Event


We hold a variety of events throughout the year, including a number of fundraising ones to support the work we do.

About Lw Settlement Stoop
About Lw Settlement Stoop

About Us

Letchworth Educational Settlement is a charity providing a centre for adult non-vocational education in arts and crafts, languages and humanities, and other recreation and social activities, founded in 1920.


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