Last month Nick, our Manager, and Derek Blyth, one of our tutors, took a trip to London…..here is why!

We now have a new instrument for the Kincaid Hall (currently undergoing refurbishment).  It is a Yamaha Clavinova CLP 785.  It has a magnificent range of sounds, including a Bösendorfer Imperial, which, in Derek’s opinion, is the very best piano in the world. For those who are interested, it has fully-weighted keys to give the feel of an acoustic piano.

Nick and Derek visited the Yamaha studios in Wardour Street to choose the instrument and they had excellent advice from a very knowledgeable assistant before deciding which model to get for the Settlement.  Having made the purchase, they then enjoyed coffee and cake in Liberty to celebrate a job well done – after all, it would have been rude not to have done so!

Our new clavinova has already been in used in rehearsals for the Settlement Players and for the LALG’s August Members’ meeting.  Please come and hear it in action when the curtain goes up on the Settlement Players’ performance of ’The Flint Street Nativity’ from 14-16 November.  Although Alan, our Treasurer is threatening to give a performance of Chopsticks before then…..

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