News Item from the Settlement Committee

2025 will mark the fifth anniversary of the Settlement closing because of the COVID pandemic and re-opening following the Save Our Settlement Appeal.  To say the last five years have not been a challenge would be an understatement but the Settlement is still here, thanks to the support of everyone involved with it.

This year will also mark the Settlement occupying its site at 229 Nevells Road for 100 years and we are planning to hold an event to celebrate this fact on Thursday 3 July 2025 from 6pm-10pm in the Kincaid Hall.  But as well as looking back, we also want to celebrate what is currently happening at the Settlement and look forward to the future. You may already attend some of our activities but you may find out something new, or you may want to suggest other courses for us to consider.  We also want to share with you more about our plans for the future.

The event on Thursday 3 July 2025 will be a free one but pre-registration will be required to attend it.  We will let you have details on how to do this nearer the time.

On a different note, one of our long-standing Committee members recently stood down and so we now have three vacancies.  We are only a small Committee so even the loss of one member leaves a hole.  We really need some more help. You do not need any particular skills or knowledge, just a desire to support the Settlement and some time.  If you are interested in joining us and want some more information about what the role involves, please contact Hilary, our Chair at [email protected].

Kind Regards,

Stephen Charles
Vice Chair

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