New Events added and other Updates

Dear Settlement Member,

I hope you are all well and that you are enjoying the start of the autumn term.

Thank you for your positive feedback about the refurbished hall, and the new chairs and display equipment.


A series of three essential evening lectures on the topic of Art in Architecture, to be delivered by James Willis, starting on Thursday 26th September at 7.30pm in the Kincaid Hall, have just been announced!  Lecture one will span the ancient world to the 16th Century:

The Art of Architecture – 16th Century – Letchworth Settlement

Lecture two (Thursday 24th October; 7.30pm; Kincaid Hall), will focus on the 17th Century, while the last session in the series (Thursday 21st November; 7.30pm; Kincaid Hall), will explore modernity.  Tickets for lectures 2 and 3 will go on sale soon.

On Friday 27th September 7-9pm, in the Kincaid Hall, author, political analyst and historian, Michael Williams, will talk about the world’s first empires:

Persian Empires Since the Achaemenids – Letchworth Settlement 

On Friday 11th October 7-9pm, in the Kincaid Hall, Michael will take you deeper into the Roman Empire: 

The Roman Empire – Letchworth Settlement

Book now!

Notice from the Letchworth Art Society

Members of the Settlement will be sorry to hear that Margaret Haggo sadly died in August at the age of 99.

Margaret came from a family of artists.  Her parents, Agnes and Matthew, met at the Glasgow School of Art and came to Letchworth in 1944.  In 1945 they and some fellow artists set up the Letchworth Art Society which still exists today after 80 years.  Margaret’s sister, Christina, who died about 8 years ago, was also an artist.

Many people may remember our Annual Exhibitions at the Letchworth Museum Gallery above the library when all the family would exhibit with us.

Margaret was a quiet person who was a favourite in the Art Society.  Perhaps most people only knew her from her many lovely paintings which hang in local homes.

All the family have paintings in the North Herts Museum Collection in Hitchin.

-Barbara Heaton

Meanwhile the Settlement autumn term continues at pace!

See you soon,


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