We have already had several very successful fundraising events this year and there are more to come. So here are some dates for your diaries:
Friday 18 October (evening) | Whose Wine is it Anyway? A quiz with and about wine. What’s not to like? |
Saturday 26 October (evening) | Viv Lucas concert Viv is a local singer songwriter who is also Letchworth’s own Neil Young. This is a rescheduled concert as Viv’s original one in May had to be cancelled because he lost his voice! |
Friday 22 November (evening) | Quiz Evening Once again Ann and Andrew will test our little grey cells with one of their very popular quizzes. |
Friday 29 November (afternoon/evening) | Christmas Fair and raffle A chance to get into the Christmas spirit early! |
Saturday 14 December (afternoon) | Christmas songs and carols Another chance to get into the festive spirit, this time with Peter Chapman and Mike O’Neill (who you may remember as Flanders and Swann earlier this year). |
More information on these events, including how to buy tickets, will be available nearer the time. And suggestions for future concerts and other events would be very welcome.
And news from our friends at the Settlement Players

Their next production will be The Flint Street Nativity from 14-16 November.
Miss Horrocks’ class is about to perform their nativity play at Flint Street Junior School for the proud mums and dads – and the occasional social worker. Squabbles arise when Gabriel wants to play Mary, the Star grumbles he’s not a proper star like they have at NASA, Herod won’t stop waving to his mum and dad and the subversive Innkeeper is determined to liven up the traditional script. And then the stick insect escapes…