You may not have done so yet, but hopefully by the beginning of the Autumn 2024 term, you will have! 

We have started a major refurbishment of the Kincaid Hall.  Works include: 

  • Improving the insulation (an ongoing project for the whole of the Settlement site) 
  • Replacing existing windows with double glazed ones (although this work may not be completed until later in the year) 
  • Sanding and re-varnishing the floor 
  • Redecoration of walls 
  • New window coverings 
  • Improving the sound system and installing a monitor 
  • New fireplace screen 
  • Improving the sound insulation between the Hall and the Green Room. 

We will also be installing monitors in some of the other Settlement rooms to improve our teaching facilities. 

Added to these works, we have also carried out a review of our heating system.  A lot of you will have experienced the vagaries of it at various times!  We will be carrying out some works to the system over the summer which we hope will make the heating more efficient – and as important, cost less. 

As you know, we have also invested in a new website and database.  This will improve both our efficiency and our users’ experience.  We are also improving our other, unseen, office systems to make sure they are fit for purpose and robust. 

These works are a major financial investment because we want the Settlement to be serving Letchworth and the surrounding area for the next 100 years.  We appreciate that we are going through a lot of changes at the moment – some of them long overdue – but please bear with us.  We believe that they are part of ensuring the Settlement’s long-term future. 

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