Mon 28 Apr 2025, 9:30 am - Mon 9 Jun 2025, 12:00 pm

This opportunity is for anyone wishing to explore watercolours, from beginner to the more experienced painter.
We will be looking at different theories, and practical applications, exploring this versatile medium. We will find our preferred technique and develop our personal style. From portraits to florals, landscapes to botanical, we will delve into subjects working from supplied copyright free images and be guided through to a finished painting.
Event Information
Price: £96.0
Course Weeks: 5
Room: Cruse Studio
Campaign: Summer Term 2025
Customer Information: Please bring whatever art materials and equipment you have.
Essential starter items for beginners:
• Winsor & Newton tubes if possible, or ½ pans of the 3 primary colours of Red, Yellow and Blue plus two earthy tones and a black:
Winsor Yellow
Cerulean Blue (Red Shade)
Quinacridone Red
Raw Sienna
Burnt Umber
Ivory Black
• 3 Brushes – Flat 1” for washes, size 6 Round and a smaller brush for details
• Cheap practice paper (Hobbycraft sell packs), or use the backs of old paintings AND A4 146lb ‘Not’ or ‘Rough’
Over time, you are advised to build the following kit:
• Brushes
o Round (size 12, 6 and 1) , Flat Wash or Hake (1 inch), Rigger (size 6), Fan (2 or 6)
• A paints pallet of coloured pans, or individual tubes. Buy Winsor & Newton which are a great mid-point manufacturer. Avoid the Works or cheap unbranded paints. Include Winsor Lemon, Yellow Ochre, Winsor Red, Alizarin Crimson, French Ultramarine, Winsor Blue, Winsor Green, Venetian Red, Burnt Umber, and Ivory Black.
• Pallet for mixing colours
• Watercolour paper; ‘Not’ and ‘Rough’ papers are textured. Hot press is smooth and better for detailed work and can handle wet washes well.
o Cheap practice paper (Homebase sell packs), or use the backs of old paintings
o A3 Bockingford 146lb ‘Not’ or ‘Rough’
o Saunders Waterford 140lbs, ‘Hi White’, ‘Not’ or ‘Rough’ for working very wet-in-wet.
• Board to fit easily accommodate A4 paper
• Pipette & small spray bottle
• Watercolour pencils
• Water pot
• Paper towels
• Masking tape
If you have these, bring along:
• Cling film
• Salt
• Sponge
• Old toothbrush
• Water activated gummer paper
• An apron if you are worried about your clothing
Your Tutor
Name: Sally Taylor
Bio: Sally graduated from the Central School of Art & Design in 1979 with a BA (Hons) in Textile Design, initially working as a knitwear designer and then a designer and marketer, becoming a freelance artist and illustrator in 2017.
Recently, Sally graduated from the University of Hertfordshire with a Master of Arts in Children’s Book Illustration and created a picture book for children featuring critically endangered animals incorporating AI technology. This can be purchased directly from Sally or Amazon.
Sally’s work can be viewed at exhibitions around Hertfordshire including Open Studios and the Big Art Fair showing her paintings of the countryside with realistic representations of animals and birds.
Sally works closely with other artists as the Chair of Herts Visual Arts Forum, the Animal Alphabets illustration team, and is a member of SG1 Business Club, Herts Visual Arts and the Society of Art for All Artists.
Department: Arts & Crafts