Department Humanities

Bill Lindsay

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Bill Lindsay, Independent Scholar, retired twelve years ago from a lifelong career in the pharmaceutical industry. Since then, he has turned to researching Victorian Merchant Shipping and has become a member of several Nautical Societies. Bill has written many articles…

Martina Kournikova

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Martina Kournikova has built a wealth of experience over more than twenty years working in established gyms and health clubs across Hertfordshire. She has taken responsibility for developing a variety of holistic classes including yoga, Pilates, strength and stretch exercise…

Lisa McNulty

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Dr. Lisa McNulty has a Ph.D. in Philosophy from the University of Kent and is an Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Roehampton. She has taught philosophy at universities, primary and secondary schools, and even in corporate settings, where…

Paul Drew

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Paul has a degree in English & Media, a first-class degree in Classical Studies, and is a member of Roman Society and the Hellenic Society. As Managing Director of an award-winning production company, he has travelled the world producing content…

Craig Angus

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Craig helps look after the archive collection at Knebworth House, consisting of records from Knebworth House and Estate, and the extensive Lytton family archive; providing access to the collection for researchers, responding to enquiries, giving tours to groups, and is…

Louise Lahive

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Louise Lahive is an artist who graduated from Kingston University in 1999 and since this time has worked and lived in the USA and UK. In 2012 Lahive became an elected fellow at Digswell Arts and in 2021 she graduated…

Christopher Woolston

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Dr Christopher Woolston, PhD, CSci, CChem, FRSC, is passionate about all aspects of science and its history. For most of his career he has been a teacher and lecturer, his main specialisms being Chemistry and Physics. He did his Doctorate…

James Willis

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James is a highly motivated artist and arts educator with over 20 years of teaching and management experience. He has taught fine art and art history at all levels from GNVQ1 to final year BA degree. He founded the Letchworth…

Katherine Alcock

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Katherine is a historian and London Blue Badge Tourist Guide who lectures on a wide variety of topics, in particular the history and architecture of London. She graduated from Queens’ College, Cambridge University, in 2011, before turning her back on…

Tim Parrott

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Tim Parrott took his degree at Cambridge then worked as a schoolteacher before specialising in explaining Popular Science to general audiences. In addition to Cosmology, Physics and Evolutionary Biology, he also teaches courses on architectural structure, always with a view…

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