Department Arts & Crafts

Marion Dearlove

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Marion Dearlove has a master’s degree in adult education, a City and Guilds adult teaching diploma, and has an undergraduate diploma in art and design. She started Chinese brush painting in 2001 and has studied with Chinese tutors in both…

Suzy Drake

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Drawing has always been part of Suzy’s life from childhood onwards. The natural world and drawing has enabled her to really see the world around her. All of which has led to a degree in Scientific Illustration which has given…

Janet Capstick

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Janet Capstick lives in Letchworth and runs her own upholstery business (Highcroft Interiors Ltd) which she set up at the end of 2018. She started her upholstery journey at the Settlement in 2013, attending leisure classes and worked on a…

Sheena Roberts

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Sheena holds a B.Ed., as well as the City & Guilds Certificate and Diploma in Patchwork and Quilting. She is a member of the Quilters’ Guild of Britain and Ireland, and their Modern and Contemporary Special Interest Groups, and a…

Helen Allen

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Helen started her journey in cut flowers by feeling that there had to be a better way to put beautiful flowers in a vase, over the years learning many ways to achieve this! With her commercial event floristry, Helen always…

Jane Neesam

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Jane graduated with a degree in Fashion and Textiles from Leicester Polytechnic, specialising in Contour Fashion (corsetry, lingerie and swimwear). Working as a bra designer and later as a garment technologist in the lingerie industry, Jane relished the challenges and…

Vanessa Bryson

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Vanessa was born in England and went to Art College where she obtained a degree in Fine Art. She moved to the U.S. in the mid-70s and to Miami in 1996 joining an artists community as a studio artist at…

Kim Raymont

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Kim is a printmaker, specialising in reduction linocut and letterpress. She developed her practice inspired by both the accessibility and fun of printmaking, and the beauty of travel posters which incorporate lettering with imagery. Kim completed an MA in Illustration…

Mike Rollins

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Mike is an award-winning artist living in Hitchin. His expressive style of painting has its origins in the stark landscapes of West Yorkshire, where he grew up, and in subsequent years as an attraction designer. Mike is also an art…

Hazel Godfrey

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Hazel is a contemporary basket-maker and willow artist, her inspiration comes from nature and the human condition. Graduating in 2004 with a degree in Applied Arts 3D Media she began working professionally in 2008. Hazel works with willow and various…

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