We have some new courses starting in the Autumn 2024 term.  These include: 

  • French Beginners with Marine Boulter on Mondays from 6-7.30pm 
  • Italian Beginners with Ada Marini on Thursdays from 2-3.30pm 
  • ‘Amici Parliamo Italiano’, an Italian Lunch + Conversation group on Thursdays from 1-1.30pm 
  • Chinese Beginners with Helena Hon on Fridays from 6-8pm 
  • ‘Write Your Memoirs’ with Dr Sharon Preistley on Mondays from 1-3pm 

Full details and dates for these, and all our other courses, can be found on our website. 

We are also excited to offer some other new initiatives: 

  • ‘Exploring Opera’ with Derek Blyth, featuring as many as 15 operas over the year. 
  • Saturday Morning at the Settlement, introducing a number of distinguished local artists/tutors.  Our first mornings will feature Callum Abbott, Vanessa Bryson, Shree Desai and Nade Simmons. 

Again, full details can be found on our website.   

News from our tutors 

Our inaugural Portrait Competition, hosted by Collette Hoefkens and Komathy Cumarasamy, took place on 23 June with over 25 participants. 

One of our Art tutors, Chantelle Stephenson, has been awarded a grant from Arts Council England to pursue an original art initiative in Letchworth.  We look forward to seeing it! 

Did you know that Marion Dearlove, our Chinese brush painting tutor, is currently Secretary of the National Society for Chinese Brush Painting? 

Fiona Pruden, leader of our infamous ‘Wicked Ways with Watercolours’ course, is moving to Cornwall.  Our loss is Cornwall’s artistic community’s gain.  We will miss Fiona greatly but wish her all the best. 

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