Coming this November at the Settlement

Dear Settlement Members and Friends,

I hope you are all well!  Here is a quick summary of courses starting in November (all with some places available) plus other activities happening soon at the Settlement!  Book now!

Monday 4th November

Tuesday 5th November

Wednesday 6th November

Thursday 7th November

Friday 8th November

Saturday 9th November

Monday 11th November

Tuesday12th November

Wednesday13th November

Thursday14th November

Saturday16th November

Monday 18th November

Wednesday 20th November

  • The Philosophy of Education and the Settlement – a FREE talk with new Settlement tutor Dr. Lisa McNulty 12.15 – 12.45pm in the Brunt Room  No need to book.

Thursday 21st November

Friday 22nd November

  • Quiz Night  EVENT 7.30pm (doors open 7pm Quiz Night –Letchworth Settlement
    It’s that time of year when our Quiz Setters come along to the Kincaid Hall to tease us with another of their fiendish but fun quizzes.
    Maximum teams of 6 (one table)can be booked at £10 per head. Please book together to help us allocate seats.
    We can also allocate spaces if there are less than 6 of you booking together; please book and then e mail Alan at so that he can ensure everyone is properly seated.
    Licensed Bar but please bring along your own nibbles.

Monday 25th November

Friday 29th November

  • The Settlement Christmas Arts and Crafts Fair 2024!  2-7pm  Admission is FREE.
    Please visit during the afternoon to see the various arts & crafts sellers in the hall, and enjoy tea and cakes in the main building.  An essential Settlement event!  Look out for this year’s raffle tickets and make sure you buy lots of them!
    If you have any items for our hampers (for raffle prizes),tombola, or Settlement stall (which will sell virtually anything non-electrical!) do please bring them to the office from now onwards!  Many thanks indeed for anything you might be able to donate.
    If you are able to make cakes for the event please do so!  These will be very much appreciated. Please bring them in nearer the time.  Thank you.

All COURSES are here:

Courses–Letchworth Settlement

All WORKSHOPS are here:

Workshops– LetchworthSettlement

All EVENTS are here:

Events–Letchworth Settlement

In recognition of the huge contribution to the Settlement and Settlement Players, in the theatre, and elsewhere, made by John Baskerville, the room adjacent to the Kincaid Hall was named the Baskerville Room in a special event that took place on Wednesday 23rd October.  The ceremony was attended by Pat Baskerville and relatives. 

I hope you have a fulfilling second half of term at the Settlement – whether you are attending an event, continuing your studies, or starting something new!

Best wishes,


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