NOTICE IS HEREBYGIVEN that the Annual General Meeting of Letchworth Educational Settlement will be held in Kincaid Hall, Letchworth Educational Settlement, Letchworth Garden City SG6 4UB on Tuesday 26 November 2024 at 7.30pm
1. Welcome
2. Apologies for absence
3. Approval of minutes of the AGM on 21 November 2023
4. Matters arising not covered under other agenda items
5. Chair’s Report
6. Treasurer’s Report
7. To receive the report and financial statements for the year ended 31 July 2024
8. Appointment of independent examiner
9. Election of trustees
10. Presentation on Settlement’s new website and database
11. Questions from Members
12. Any other business
13. Date of 2025 AGM: 25 November 2025
Members are invited to enjoy a glass of wine or soft drink with the Committee after the AGM – and enjoy the newly refurbished Kincaid Hall.
The draft Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 July 2024 will be considered at the Committee’s meeting on 7 November, subject to the completion of the independent examination of the financial statements. It is hoped that the independent examination of the financial statements will be completed before the AGM. After the Committee meeting on 7 November, the draft will be available on the Settlement’s website at
or by contacting the Secretary at A copy will also be available for inspection in the Settlement office.
The draft minutes of the 2023 AGM are also on the website.
Nomination of trustees
The Constitution provides for a minimum of three and a maximum of twelve trustees, including the Officers. The Officers are appointed by the trustees from among their number and have the necessary knowledge, skills and experience to carry out the duties of their office.
Trustees serve for a term of three years, with one third of them retiring at every AGM. Those trustees retiring by rotation are eligible to stand for re-election.
The number of trustees at the date of this notice is ten. In addition, the Settlement Manager is an ex-officio trustee.
If you would like to stand for election, please complete a nomination form (available on the website, from the Secretary or from the Settlement office) and return it to the Secretary at, or to the Settlement, 229 Nevells Road, Letchworth Garden City, SG6 4UB by Friday 22 November2024.
Please note that to stand for election as a trustee you must be a Member of the Settlement, as must your proposer, who should not be a family member.
For information, the three trustees retiring by rotation have indicated that they will stand for re-election. There were no co-options during the year.
A list of the nominees standing for election will be available on the Settlement’s website before the AGM.
By order of the Committee
Marian Adams