A Packed Settlement Events Calendar up to Christmas

Dear Settlement Members and Friends,

I hope you are all well.  Here is a quick summary of some wonderful upcoming activities:

The Flint Street Nativity

Bonkers (but great fun) play in the Kincaid Hall – starts this week, Thursday 14th to Saturday 16th November at 7.45pm.

SettlementPlayers – The Flint Street Nativity – Letchworth Settlement

Remarkable Women

Book for any of the remaining Remarkable Women talks in the Kincaid Hall here:

Monday 18th November 10am – 12pm: Christopher Budd describes Hollywood’s dynamic Head of Technicolor, Natalie Kalmus.

FiveRemarkable Women – Natalie Kalmus – Letchworth Settlement

Monday 25th November 10am – 12pm: Louise Lahive on groundbreaking artist Leonora Carrington’s life of resistance and courage.

FiveRemarkable Women – Leonora Carrington – Letchworth Settlement

Monday 9th December 10am – 12pm: Craig Angus, Assistant Archivist at Knebworth House, Park & Gardens, will talk about the momentous life of suffragette, Lady Constance Lytton of Knebworth.

FiveRemarkable Women – Constance Lytton – Letchworth Settlement

Monday 16th December 10am – 12pm: Stephen Barnard appraises the singular achievements of singer Dusty Springfield.

FiveRemarkable Women – Dusty Springfield – Letchworth Settlement

Dr Lisa McNulty

Dr Lisa McNulty, our new philosophy tutor, will be giving a FREE talk on the philosophy of the Settlement, and of education, on Wednesday 20th November, at 12.15pm in the Brunt Room. No need to book in advance – please just walk in.  Details of Lisa’s full course will be announced soon!

The Art of Architecture – 20th Century

James Willis will talk about, and illustrate, The Art of Architecture – 20th Century on Thursday 21st November, 7:30 –  9:30pm

TheArt of Architecture – 20th Century – Letchworth Settlement


On the evening of Friday 22nd November will shall welcome you to our Quiz.  It’s that time of year when Andrew and Ann come along to the Kincaid Hall to tease us with another of their fiendish (but fun!) quizzes.

Maximum teams (tables) of 6 can be booked at £10 per head. Please book together to help us plan. We can allocate spaces if there are less than 6 of you booking together; once booked, please then email treasurer@letchworthsettlement.org.uk so that Alan can ensure everyone will be properly seated. This event is approaching a sell-out.

Book here: Quiz Night –Letchworth Settlement

The Beertles in Letchworth!

Due to the huge demand for this fabulous Beatles tribute band, we are pleased to announced an EXTRA DATE for The Beertles in Letchworth live at the Kincaid Hall on Sunday 8th December at 7pm (doors: 6.30pm).

Mark & Tom as John & Paul are incredible

What an amazing show, I’m buzzing!”

Licensed bar provided by Garden City Brewery.

The BeertlesSunday 8th December – Letchworth Settlement

A Hard Day’s Night

On Sunday 8th December, 4pm, in the Brunt Room, Beertles ticket holders will have FREE admission to Stephen Barnard and Christopher Budd’s introductory talk and complete screening of A Hard Day’s Night, the iconic Beatles film. Non-Beertles ticket holders, please book here for the movie (£10):

A HardDay’s Night – Letchworth Settlement

Le Club de Culture Francaise

Enjoy two hours of fun at this celebration of French culture on Monday 9 December, 1-3pm with Marine Boulter.
LeClub de Culture Francaise – Letchworth Settlement

Christmas Arts and Crafts Fair

The Settlement Christmas Arts and Crafts Fair for 2024 is set for Friday 29th November, 2-7pm. Admission is FREE.

Please visit during the afternoon to see the various arts & crafts sellers in the hall, and enjoy tea and cakes in the main building.  An essential Settlement event!  Look out for this year’s raffle tickets and make sure you buy lots of them!

If you have any items for our hampers (for raffle prizes), tombola, or Settlement stall (which will sell virtually anything non-electrical!) do please continue to bring them to the office!  Many thanks indeed for what you have already donated.  

If you are able to make cakes then please do so nearer the time.  These will be very much appreciated. Thank you!

A Christmas Carol – A Reading   

Living Theatre, the group that stunned the Letchworth Festival earlier this year with their performance in Howard Park, is set to appear at the Settlement in the Kincaid Hall on Friday 13th December at 7pm.  With two actors taking inspiration from Charles Dickens’ famous public readings, Living Theatre presents A Christmas Carol – A Reading. Tickets £12; under 16s £8) here:

AChristmas Carol – A Reading – Letchworth Settlement

Classic Albums – Christmas Special  

On Saturday 14th December 10am – 1pm, Stephen Barnard and Christopher Budd reveal the stories behind two of the most familiar and top-selling Christmas records ever made – Elvis Presley’s Christmas Album (1957) and Phil Spector’s A Christmas Gift for You (1963).  A festive session of fun, stories and music!  Book here:

ClassicAlbums: The Elvis Christmas Album & Phil Spector’s A Christmas Gift for You– Letchworth Settlement

Pete and Mike’s Christmas Cracker

Peter Chapman (voice) and Mike O’Neill (piano) put away their Flanders and Swann act, get out their tinsel and, on Saturday 14th December at 3pm, will entertain us with Christmas songs both contemporary and traditional. To get into the festive spirit, we will be serving tea and mince pies. £12.50.  Book here:

Peteand Mike’s Christmas Cracker – Letchworth Settlement

Christmas Art & Craft Workshops

Create your own Christmas Wreath with florist Helen Allen, Sunday 24th November, 9:30am – 12:30pm ChristmasWreath – Letchworth Settlement

With Hazel Godfrey, make a contemporary-looking willow Sustainable Christmas Tree complete with star, Sunday 24th November, 10am – 4pm SustainableChristmas Tree – Letchworth Settlement

Personalise your tree or make a wonderful gift with hand-crafted Fused Glass Christmas Decorations.  Tutor: Jane Ducarreaux; Sunday 24th November, 10am – 3pm Fused Glass Christmas Decorations –Letchworth Settlement

Create a beautiful, long-lasting festive Christmas Table Centrepiece with florist Helen Allen; Sunday 24th November, 1:30 – 4pm ChristmasTable Centrepiece – Letchworth Settlement

Create lovely Willow Christmas Decorations – Angels, Stars, and Reindeer with Hazel Godfrey; Monday 9th December, 10am – 3pm WillowChristmas Decorations – Angels, Stars, and Reindeer – Letchworth Settlement

All COURSES are here:

Courses– Letchworth Settlement

All WORKSHOPS are here:

Workshops –Letchworth Settlement

All EVENTS are here:

Events– Letchworth Settlement

See you soon,


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