Oil Painting
Thu 5 Jun 2025, 12:30 pm - Thu 3 Jul 2025, 3:00 pm

The afternoon Thursday oil painting group is a lively, approachable and unique class. Students are encouraged to build and respond to their own natural strengths and focus on building their own unique style within the painting process. Each student shall shape a diverse narrative from their own sources of inspiration, from their own sketches, photography and still life. Current and past painters will be discussed in class also for inspiration.
Event Information
Price: £96.0
Course Weeks: 5
Room: Cruse Studio
Campaign: Summer Term 2025
Customer Information: Things to bring
Overalls, Pencil, basics oil paints set, paper palette, palette knife, empty glass jar for mediums etc, canvas. Additional materials will be discussed in the first lesson, so don’t worry about having everything at the first session. Kits are something that you build over time. Every kit is unique to the artist.
Your Tutor
Name: Chantelle Stephenson
Bio: Chantelle is a practising artist and educator that graduated from the Cambridge School of Art in 2007. Since then she has tutored Fine Art on the Foundation Art and Design course at Hitchin College, Hertfordshire. In 2016 she was invited to run workshops at the Camden Arts Centre and The South London Gallery, London. She is currently running courses in Sculpture and Oil Painting at Milton Keynes Arts Centre. Chantelle has a diverse range of technical disciplines including Oil painting, Abstract Painting, Alternative Photography, Printmaking and Sculpture. In 2016 she was commissioned to make an art piece in response to the early Letchworth Garden City which was displayed at the Broadway Gallery. Chantelle has taught at The Settlement since 2014.
Department: Arts & Crafts